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Crack the code

How could you benefit from this?

Our ability to decode emotions is declining. Nowadays, we often only recognise or correctly interpret about every second facial expression. This is proven by current studies in brain research and neurobiology. At the same time, recognising non-verbal signals has become more and more important for successful negotiation, for appreciation in conversation and for successful communication. Cracking the code could therefore be a real game changer for you/your company.


How does it work?

I will show you how to detect stress in your counterparts, how to see doubts, fears and needs in their faces, how to determine who sets the tone in a group and whether the words and feelings of the person you are talking to actually match. My goal is to enable you to read your fellow human beings like a book.


What will you achieve?

You’ll improve your leadership quality, increase your employees’ motivation and always be one step ahead of your competitors meaning more success. You'll enhance your level of empathy and score points by more accurately assessing the situation. You’ll be able to apply your news skills anywhere in the world, because emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, disgust, contempt, surprise or joy are shown in the same way on every face all around the globe.


What's in it for you?

Appreciation adds value. And empathy is its basis. In times where it’s become increasingly challenging to attract and retain highly qualified staff, empathy is key. Empathy helps you score points not just with Millennials and Generation Z. It will also help you overcome language barriers and cultural differences in international business.

In order to achieve this, there are two options: You can either rely on tech giants such as Facebook, Amazon or Google, who are spending billions to teach machines precisely the emotion-recognising ability I have specialised in.


You can reach out to me  and become a skilled expert in recognising and understanding human behaviour with my help – because trained humans are still vastly superior to machines.